This collaboration allows six students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to give classes to high school students from the three educational systems existing in the Principality. These classes are already taking place and will continue until January 30th. The exchange programme was born in 2018 and is part of the collaboration agreement with this prestigious North American university centre.
Meritxell Gallo, Director of Higher Education, Research and Study Assistance, pointed out, “the six participants already have teaching experience” and, have received specific pedagogical training before being able to participate in this program in Andorra. During their stay, they will all be living with Andorran families.
Minister Vilarrubla stressed “the programme wants to improve the English skills of students and to awake their scientific vocations”. The minister also highlighted “the positive response of schools and students about this initiative, encourages us to repeat it”.
Vall Banc’s General Manager for Business explained that “we are convinced of the added value and prestige of having one of the most renowned centres in the world. The interaction of the students in this project is going to allow us to bring in talent” and, we see this collaboration as a long-term investment for Andorra”.
Text and photo: Govern d’Andorra