Andorra Business Growth Program

15 business owners complete the fourth edition of our Growth program

The fourth Edition of the Growth Program by Andorra Business for businesses ended on Monday afternoon with the presentation of diplomas to the fifteen participating business owners. In charge of the presentation was the Minister for Presidency, Economy, Labor and Housing, Conxita Marsol, the Secretary of State for Economic Diversification and Innovation, Marc Saura, and the director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo.

Marsol, after expressing her gratitude for the work completed by the participants, recalled that “so far, close to sixty professionals have taken part in this program, it is a great opportunity to acquire knowledge and develop skills to face current business challenges”.

The director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo, highlighted that the teamwork in each session had been an opportunity to learn, debate and share ideas, and I am sure that participants are leaving with valuable tools and knowledge that they can apply in their businesses”. Hidalgo also pointed out that traditionally, the Growth program is one of the highest-ranking programs in the satisfaction surveys carried out.

The program included tens of hours of specialized knowledge imparted by professionals from the business world and a Growth Plan, completely personalized, with mentors in work areas such as marketing, commercialization and international sales, finances, strategy and leadership.

Registration for the Fifth Edition is already open.

Monday April 29th 2024

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