Andorra anuncia al Global Esports Summit de Madrid la celebració del seu primer acte de eSports
Andorra was the country invited to participate in the Global Esports Summit 2021 (GES21) in Madrid, celebrated on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of October in Madrid. The reason being the approval of the first strategic plan by a country, which has generated great interest. On Friday, the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise, and president of Andorra Business, Jordi Gallardo, presented in front of 800 people, the Andorran plan and announced the celebration of the country´s first eSports event, to be held on the 26th of November. The official presentation will be made in the forthcoming weeks.
In this sense, Gallardo stated that “it will be a day-long congress consisting of two very different parts with roundtables, presentations and networking in the morning and a more purely competitive eSports part in the afternoon, carried out by Andorran companies”.
In his presentation, the minister went over the work being carried out in eSports and also explained the main traits that make Andorra one of the best destinations in which to live and do business. He also reminded everyone that flights between Madrid and Andorra are set to begin on December 17th.
Andorra Business took part with a stand and a roundtable regarding the opportunities the country offers electronic sports professionals. The entity´s director, Judit Hidalgo, moderated one of the roundtables which included representatives from the country experts in digital law, developers, businessmen, influencers and members of the Andorran Electronic Sports Association such as Manel Guerrero, Laura Nieto, Diego Soro and Álvaro González de Buitrago.
On Wednesday, the State secretary for Economic Diversification and Innovation, Marc Galabert, spoke about investment opportunities in Andorra to a large audience.
The GES21 was celebrated over two days in Kinépolis and included 52 speakers from the eSports, mediatic and institutional ecosystems such as Porsche, Auren, GSIC, Global Sportainment, eLaLiga, Real Madrid, Agencia EFE, Comunidad de Madrid, Expansión and League of Legends.
The main topics, besides eSports, were Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Streaming and eSports and gaming within the strategies of traditional sporting institutions.