Premi Jean Baptista Say a Andorra Business
Andorra Business won the 2022 Jean Baptiste Say award in the international category of business excellence. The award ceremony took place on Thursday April 28th in Sevilla and the prize was collected by the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise, and president of Andorra Business, Jordi Gallardo, and the director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo.
The Jean Baptiste Say Awards recognize excellence, business innovation and leadership with the aim of placing value on companies and entities as drivers of the economy as well as business schools, investment funds, accelerators and personalities within the executive field actively work from the private sphere to contribute the development of society as a whole, the generating of wealth and progress of societies. The jury distinguished the Andorran economic promotion agency for the work carried out by the entity in matters of “business, entrepreneurial and economic development”.
In this sense, the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise, and president of Andorra Business, Jordi Gallardo, highlighted “we accept this prize as recognition to all the work we carry out in matters of economic diversification, support provided to our companies and entrepreneurs, and the strategy for attracting foreign investment. The fact that the excellent work carried out by the Andorra Business team is internationally recognized certifies that the country is also a reference in this field and that we must continue on with the same level of professionality. Congratulations to all the team”.
The director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo, added that “to receive this type of award, in representation of all the team, is both an enormous satisfaction and great responsibility. Behind it are many hours of work away from the spotlight, presentations and economic meetings to show everything that has made the country into one of the best destinations in which to open a business and live in. It also values the wide range of projects worked on for the country´s business owners. We are very pleased to be recognized by the jury”.
Previous recipients of the Jean Baptiste Say awards include entities such as the Amancio Ortega Foundation, the Business Institute or the Technological Institute of Monterrey, among others.
Jean Baptiste Say was a French economist in the XIX Century, founder of the first business school in Europe and defender of the business sector as fundamental in the creation of wealth in territories. A role that the jury for the awards recognizes in the figure of the different award categories.