The IV Jornada sobre Inversión y Negocios en Andorra was held on Thursday, May 24th in Madrid. The conference addressed the Innovation opportunities and the Principality’s potential as a recipient of investment and business. The Andorran Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation Minister, Gilbert Saboya, the Director of Andorra Desenvolupament i Inversió (ADI-Actua), Judit Hidalgo, the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation of the Government of Spain, Carmen Vela, and the President of Hispasat, Elena Pisonero, participated in the event, with over one hundred attendees.
The theme chosen for this year’s edition was “Innovation, Technology in Andorra”. In fact, the country is currently developing projects aimed at promoting innovation and continues working on positioning itself as a “Living Lab”. Minister Saboya focused much of his intervention on presenting the process of economic transformation in Andorra, the creation of Actua and its clusters, existing international collaborations, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and talked about the future challenges facing the Ministry, such as the creation of a mobility platform.
Judit Hidalgo presented business opportunities in Andorra, focusing on the health, education, innovation and sport sectors. The director of Andorra Desenvolupament i Inversió (ADI-Actua) stressed that “we want to promote innovation for companies. Therefore, we are creating a Big Data platform, in a first phase, with mobility, energy and trade data”. Hidalgo also listed the main advantages of opening a business in Andorra, including security, quality of life, energy prices, taxation and political and economic stability.
The conference, which coincided with the Digital Business World Congress 2018 week, was attended by many business and institutional representatives, especially Spanish companies and organisations interested in learning more about the great opportunities offered by Andorra as an investment destination.
During the day, speeches and presentations were given on the initiatives promoted by Actua, together with several success stories from private companies already established in the country.
La Jornada sobre Inversión y Negocios en Andorra is a private initiative promoted by the Andorran consulting firm S&R Estratègies Empresarials and the Spanish company MB Comunicación, sponsored by Crèdit Andorrà.