Andorra Recerca + Innovació i Andorra Business ultimen amb diversos experts del país l’estratègia nacional d’innovació i emprenedoria
Andorra Research + Innovation (ARI)andAndorra Business (AB)organized a workshop to finalize the elaboration of the national strategy for innovation and entrepreneurship presented last July in the economy commission in Parliament.
In Monday´s session, 11th of October, the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise, Jordi Gallardo, the Secretary of State for Economic Diversification and Innovation, Marc Galabert, and the directors of ARI and AB, Marc Pons and Judit Hidalgo, worked alongside actors from various entities and sectors such as the Chamber of Commerce, the CEA, the Andorran Family Businesses, the Ministry of Education, NIU by Andorra Telecom, FEDA, the Andorran Banks Association, the Andorran universities, Carlemany and Europea, among others.
The main point of the workshop was the elaboration, in conjunction with the aforementioned players, of a plan of action, as foreseen in the previously presented strategy and supported by legal deployment adapted to new contexts, must serve to catalyze talent and new business initiatives within the framework of innovation, research, Technology and the new digital and knowledge economy.
A country transforming plan that will be jointly developed by the private sector, the public administration, institutions of research and innovation, as well as citizens. In this sense, the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise pointed out that “these ties are known as the quadruple helix model. We believe it is fundamental to encompass the most relevant actors upon whom the ecosystems of innovation and business network are developed, with the accompanying and support of the public sector, and who have to be the main motors of this change”.
The aim of this Innovation and Entrepreneurship strategy is to take maximum advantage of the country´s talent and capacity so that knowledge reaches products and services that have an impact on improving the quality of life of residents and the Andorran economy in a sustainable way.