The seventh edition of the Tandem project, promoted by Andorra Business and the Education ad Higher learning Ministry of the Andorran Government, ended on Tuesday December 20th, with the grand final held at the Center for Professional Formation´s auditorium in Aixovall.
This year´s edition welcomed the highest participation so far. 93 students and 18 teachers from the center in Aixovall took part, along with five companies and, for the first time, it included students and teachers from the socio-communitarian and health branches. The program´s aim is to implicate the Professional Formation of Andorra educational community in innovative projects developed by companies and to enhance student talent.
The finalist teams had 10 minutes to present their innovative solutions to the challenges offered by Caldea (how to attract couples to the new Resort hotel and SPA), Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra (how to increase audience numbers among the youth), Tècniques d’Avantguarda (how to resolve and manage the needs a person may have when receiving a professional service at home), Centre Mèdic Valira (how to provide tools and resources to prevent eyesight pathologies in children under the age of 6) and HomeBox (how to coordinate the country´s citizens and their clients to carry out a move by exchanging professional competences). The seventh edition´s winning team was the one charged with working on the challenge offered by Centre Mèdic Valira.
The Education and Higher learning Minister, Ester Vilarrubla, pointed out that “in each edition the project outdoes itself in both quantity and quality” and highlighted the high level of quality in the finalists´ projects.
In addition, the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise and president of Andorra Business, Jordi Gallardo, stated “this project has allowed us to involve companies from the country in an open innovation process, undoubtedly a new way of working permitting companies to incorporate methodologies which help them to find creative and innovative solutions to their main problems”.
Along these lines, the director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo, highlighted the consolidation of the Tandem project and explained that “we are working with the companies to provide support so that they may incorporate some of the solutions offered by the students. So far this year, we already have two of the companies considering this possibility. In previous editions, a company incorporated part of the solutions offered while others even presented them to their decision-making organs adopting some of the solutions in the company”.
Previous editions
The first edition of Tàndem ended in May 2017, with three proposals presented by the Vocational training students. They came up with various solutions to the challenge posed by Perfumeria Júlia, which consisted of analysing the customer’s behaviour to improve their experiences inside the shops. The winning project consisted of an application to capture the customers information thanks to a method that combines NFC, Wifi and Bluetooth technology. Eleven students and five teachers took part of the project, involving Perfumeries Julia as the only participant company.
In the Tàndem’s second edition, the Vocational training students had to face the challenges posed by the companies: Dermandtek, on how to raise awareness to prevent skin cancer; Hotels Plaza, on how to offer a personalised gift experience to its clients; and Inlingua, on creating an attractive language immersion project during the months of July and August aimed at teenagers. Among the five finalist projects, the winner was for an application and a loyalty points system that allows the client to enjoy exclusive advantages and activities in the hotel facilities. In this edition, all the students of the Vocational Training Centre (61) participated, supervised by 11 teachers, and worked on challenges set by the three companies.
In the third edition of the Tàndem project, the Vocational training students worked on the innovation challenges posed by Andorra Telecom, Gamma Management and VallmedicVision. The winning team presented a battery of proposals to improve the sales of Andorra Telecom’s prepaid cards. 72 students participated, supervised by 12 teachers, and the challenges were as follows: Andorra Telecom, on how to innovate in the offer of prepaid mobile telephony to reach more customers; VallmedicVision, on ideas to raise awareness among the Andorran population to avoid the abuse of digital screens and reducing myopia; and Gamma Management wanted to improve the relationship of this human resources company with its customers, which are both companies and applicants.
The Tàndem’s fourth edition was attended by 68 students and 12 teachers from the Aixovall centre who worked on the challenges posed by Morabanc Andorra (How to make basketball a priority leisure option for the population between 20 and 40 years of age); Unicef (How to strengthen the collaboration of young people and Unicef); and Vatel (How to make professions in the hotel and tourism sector more attractive to the country’s students).
In the fifth edition 80 students and 12 teachers took part, working on challenges presented by the Andorran Red Cross (How to expand the Red Cross´s presence on a social level in the Principality); Vallnord (How to reduce Vallnord Ski Resort´s ecological footprint); and Via Moda (How to reformulate Via Moda´s internal procedures to reduce their ecological footprint).
In the sixth edition of the Tandem project, 91 students from the Vocational Training Center, supervised by 12 teachers, had to face the challenges posed by the companies Abast Global, which proposed how to attract, make come back and retain talent in Andorra, Daguisa Hotels, who wanted to eliminate all plastics in hotel management, and FEDA, the winning challenge, who wanted to encourage the healthy habits of the organization’s workers.
More information on the Tandem Project by Andorra Business
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