Expojoc SA, Establiments Vidal SLU and Perruqueria Cabells d’Or have joined the Network of Inclusive Companies through an agreement with the Secretary of State for Social Affairs and Employment, Ester Fenoll. The companies have received the badge that identifies them as inclusive companies.
The Network, created within the strategy for the people with disabilities’ employment inclusion, was initiated by the Government in 2016. This project facilitates the right of people with disabilities to work and ensuring effective equal opportunities.
Since the first agreement signed with Andorra Telecom, 23 companies have joined the Network, with 25 jobs created. The three new agreements permitted the incorporation of two workers at Expojoc, a photographer at Establiments Vidal and an assistant hairdresser at Cabells d’Or.
Secretary of State Ester Fenoll highlighted the signing of these new agreements as an example of the companies’ commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market. Fenoll has reported contacts with 5 other companies that would eventually join the network.
Text and picture: Govern d’Andorra