Fifty companies and professionals in the field of sport joined today to share their knowledge and experience and to participate in the first sports cluster workshop organized by the Actua program.

The Secretary of State for Sports, Jordi Beal, inaugurated the cluster of Sports. In his appearance, he detailed the objectives to be achieved in the context of sport, such as: the adoption of the new law on sports, adequate trainings for technical staff and the effective use of sports facilities available in the country.

Following, Imma Jiménez, manager of the Actua program, explained the dynamics and evolution of the existing clusters and synergies with this new sports cluster.

The working session featured professionals and companies such as Grandvalira, Vallnord, Andorra Turisme and various federations. Athletes such as Oscar Casal, professional mountain racer and Laura Soulié, former professional cross-country skier also attended.

The session was led by the leaders of the cluster, Laurence Lestang and Gorka Aixàs, who talked about the goals and detailed the entire value chain involved in the field of sports in our country.

Actions to be carried out in successive sessions were discussed; like the creation of a single calendar of events, strengthening the branding Andorra as a reference for sports tourism and helping local businesses and athletes to internationalize and grow.

The Secretary of State for Economic Diversification, Josep Maria Missé, closed the session and stressed the coherence of this new cluster for the importance of sports and nature in Andorra, and reiterated the commitment of the administration to help remove barriers and enhance development opportunities in the sector.