Andorra Business

Registration open for the Fifth Edition of the Growth Program for businesses

A maximum of 15 of the country´s business owners will be able to participate in the fifth Edition of the Growth Program for businesses organized by Andorra Business. This year, they will receive over 70 hours of specialized knowledge imparted by professionals form the business world. Applications are open until May 31st and the formation courses will start in September.

At the start of the program and after an analysis period, each company will be provided with a tailor-made growth plan that will include 40 hours of individual mentorship in work areas such as marketing both traditional and digital, commercialization and international sales, finances, strategy, organization and leadership.

In terms of the development of the Growth Program, the director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo explained that “the program lasts nine months and also includes individual interviews to approach points of improvement for the businesses, formation sessions to provide a good business pitch and over thirty hours of group classes”. Hidalgo added that “previous editions were very successful in attendance and participants expressed their satisfaction with the positive impact that it has had on the development of their businesses”. In fact, it is one of the highest-ranked programs by participants with an average score of 4,3 out of 5.

The cost of Actua Business´s Growth Program for the selected companies is of 600 euros + IGI in order to participate, however the estimated value is of 15.000 euros. Around sixty business owners took part in the previous four editions.

Wednesday April 24th 2024

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