
The conclusions regarding the Drive INML cross-border project point out that support services for companies need to be increased

The results of the European project DRIVE INML, 65% co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) through the Interreg V-A Espanya-França-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2014-2020) were published on Tuesday march 29th at the Bic Crescendo headquarters in Tarbes (France). According to the study carried out by the participating companies in the pilot project, the support services were satisfactory and of great usefulness and that work must continue to be done in this direction. The report also highlights that these new services have allowed the building of new internal procedures in each region to elaborate support services for companies.

These are the conclusions from today´s presentation given by the different partners in the project (the Agència per a la Competitivitat de l’Empresa (ACCIÓ), BEAZ, Bic Crescendo and Andorra Business). The DRIVE INML´s aim was to identify companies considered to be “hidden champions” (hidden champions – INML), leaders in their niches of the market and with a clear orientation towards international markets. During the various work sessions held, each of the partners on the project designed a service aimed at the participating companies in their territory.

In this sense, it was agreed that in the Basque Country area the service would be more oriented towards industrial companies, whereas in Catalunya, Andorra and Occitan services would be not only for industrial but also for services sector companies.

The goal for the partners taking part in this cross-border cooperation project is to continue working on the development of these actions in order to design more specific services for companies that are part of the Drive INML.

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