The GESX-Andorra, the first e-sports event organized in the country, exceeded all expectations of participation with over a hundred registered participants in the morning session, for which all available tickets were sold out.
Organized by Andorra Business and the Global Esports Summit (GES), with the support of Morabanc and the collaboration of the comú of La Massana, the electronic sports event held on Friday November 26th, at the teatre de les Fontetes in La Massana exceeded all initial expectations.
The day started with the interventions of the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise and president of Andorra Business, Jordi Gallardo, the Mayr of La Massana, Olga Molné, and the director of Global Esports Summit, Antonio Lacasa, who highlighted the importance of this industry both nationally and internationally.
Gallardo explained that “the success of this first event organized in Andorra only consolidates the Government´s strategic plan to diversify the economy and this is one of the sectors we are working on. We want to promote the country as a destination to develop this industry and this is a step in the right direction for people to get to know us”.
The director for Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo, pointed out that “the e-sports sector is internationally consolidated and we are receiving more and more requests for information from business professionals with regards to what we are developing in Andorra. In addition, we will soon see the arrival of more initiatives in the country”.
Along the same lines, Antonio Lacasa, stated that “the GESX Andorra is of the utmost importance as it represents one of the first steps in implementing Andorra´s strategic plan under the great broadcasting success enjoyed by GES in Madrid. We are extremely proud to be a part of the route Andorra is working on in future digital entertainment”.
The aim of the event is to promote the e-sports sector in Andorra, and one of the roundtables was centered around the development of electronic sports in Andorra. Participants included the State Secretary for Economic Diversification and Innovation for the Government of Andorra, Marc Galabert, the representative from the Andorran Videogame League and CEO of WHATYOUPLAY, Manel Guerrero, the CEOs of JOB AND PLAY and FOR2PLAY app, Sergio Segado, Carles Casadevall, the Retail Marketing Director from Andorra Telecom, and Eduard Piera Secall, editor for the Agència de Notícies Andorrana (ANA).
There were also interventions by representatives from the sector´s International entities such as Esports Bureau, Play the Game Agency and representatives from the Andorran Association of Electronic Sports (AAEE).
In the afternoon, there was a more leisure-oriented part with demonstrations, live sessions of the Andorra Videogame League (ALV) and areas to try out e-sports games and experiences open to the public.
The event took place within the framework of the collaboration agreement as an Institutional Partner signed by Andorra Business and Global Esports Summit, in June 2021. Electronic Sports is one of the strategic sectors on which the Andorran Government is working to create a pole of development for this industry which would allow adding new sources of value to the Andorran economy.