The launching of Andorra Business, Andorra Research and Innovation, and Andorra Digital
The Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise, Jordi Gallardo and the Minister of Education and Higher Studies, Ester Vilarrubla, presented on Tuesday June 8th the launching of three new brands: Andorra Business, Andorra Research and Innovation, and Andorra Digital. In this sense, Gallardo explained that “today we are presenting brands which are stronger internationally, in the same line as other countries, that are born with the aim of strengthening Andorra´s positioning in in three key pillars that are the country´s economic model and its business sector, knowledge and digitalization, and all under a resource optimization strategy, improvement of synergies and the potential of different work teams”.
In parallel, the minister informed that the new brands encompass the agency for promotion and economic development of Andorra (Andorra Business) up to now known as Actua Business, and the recently created foundation from the fusion of the Andorran Studies Institute (IEA), the Observatory of Sustainability in Andorra (OBSA) and Actua Innovation, under the name Andorra Research and Innovation. The project charged with promoting Andorra´s Digital Transformation program will communicate under the name Andorra Digital.
Furthermore, the Minister of Education and Higher Studies, Ester Vilarrubla, stated that “this new image will help different historical research and innovation hubs to communicate in a joint manner, that so far were dispersed among different centers and brands. It will also help to project and internationally position, with an image of a Country Brand name, Andorra´s projects, reinforcing the Research and Innovation sector as a strategic one and of the country´s positioning”.
The directors of the new brands also took part in the presentation. Judit Hidalgo explained that the objectives of Andorra Business are to promote key sectors for economic diversification, attract and aid foreign and local investment in key sectors, provide support to Andorran companies to be more competitive on both a national and international scale, to be an engine in the improvement of the public sector and the micro-economic environment, and make the arrival of new companies in the country easier. Hidalgo highlighted that Andorra Business will also manage the international promotion of Andorra as a destination for foreign investment in strategic sectors.
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For Andorra Research and Innovation, Marc Pons, explained that as a result of the fusion of the three entities, the work will center around generating knowledge on the physical and human reality of Andorra and on the current and future challenges affecting the country and the world, as well as transmitting the knowledge gained to Andorran society and the international community. In addition, provide innovative solutions for sustainable development and its permanent adaptation to social and technological evolution, help in diversifying the economy and the development of knowledge by prospecting and exploring new opportunities in innovative and technological fields. Also acting as scientific advisor and technical and strategic support to the public administration. Pons announced that the new institution, along with its hubs and actions currently being worked on would soon be presented in more detail.
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David Vicente, from Andorra Digital, explained that the Principality faces the challenge of firmly moving towards digitalization. He also recalled that the Government, thanks to the work of the State Secretary for Digital Transformation and Strategic projects, has elaborated a plan for holistic transformation encapsulating the most important actions to be carried out over the next few years and in line with the country´s strategy in terms of digitalization. Vicente remarked that this plan will be presented in the near future.
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