Andorra Business

Users of services and programs offered by Andorra Business rate them as excellent

The satisfaction surveys elaborated by Andorra Business for users and participants of their services indicate that the assessment of the programs carried out last year scored a 9 out of 10. Furthermore, 94% stated that they had improved their business thanks to the knowledge acquired and services received and also rate with a 9 out of 10 the entity´s team´s professionalism. Another of the conclusions in the report indicates that 96% would recommend the work provided by Andorra Business to the country´s companies and intend to take part in future events and continue using the entity´s services. In this sense, the director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo, pointed out that “we are extremely satisfied with the acceptance and positive impact of our programs and services that not only have the aim of boosting businesses but also look to increase the country´s economic growth. In parallel, we would like to express our gratitude for the business owners´ and entrepreneurs trust in the work we do”. In 2023 the entity managed over 600 Andorran and foreign investment projects.

Tuesday August 13th 2024

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