Tandem Project2024-01-08T16:23:58+01:00

Tandem Project

Tandem is a project part of the Strategic Plan for Renovation and Improvement of the Andorran Education System (PERMSEA) which has been promoted by Andorra Business and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of the Government of Andorra. It responds to the need to develop an own model that encourages innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit in the field of VET in the country.

Tandem Project

Tandem Project, synonymous of innovation in the field of VET in Andorra

The Tandem Project wants to introduce learning spaces through which, companies and collaborating entities, meet with the Vocational Training Center of Aixovall to generate economic and social value. In this sense, Tandem is an open innovation community where professionals, teachers and students interact to respond to real and significant challenges present by companies and the Andorran society.

In short, Tandem aims to involve the VET educational community of Andorra with innovative projects developed in companies, enhance the talent of students, increase job opportunities for young people, improve the transfer of value between VET centers and companies, and at the same time, increase the competitiveness of companies.

Eighth edition

The eighth edition of the Tandem project ended on Wednesday 20 December 2023 with the grand finale held at the the auditorium of the center for Professional Formation in Aixovall. The students had to face the challenges presented by the companies Nice Tech, whose challenge was to raise awareness in Andorra´s population regarding the value of frozen fruits, Molines Patrimonis, who wanted ideas to create a unique, efficient, profitable, sustainable and technologically leading professional environment in the country for companies of the future, and Opció Group, who wanted to know what competences were needed for younger generations in the future professional world. The winning team was Arq & Mirall, with an avant-garde and intelligent building project, offering a solution to the challenge presented by the Molines Patrimonis company.

60 students from the Vocational Training Center took part in this edition, grouped into 12 teams tutored by 12 teachers and various business mentors, and worked on challenges presented by three companies.

Tandem Project fourth edition
Tandem Project Third edition

Seventh edition

In the seventh edition of the Tandem project, ended on Tuesday December 20th 2022, vocational training students had to face the challenges posed by the companies Caldea (how to attract couples to the new Resort hotel and SPA), Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra (how to increase audience numbers among the youth), Tècniques d’Avantguarda (how to resolve and manage the needs a person may have when receiving a professional service at home), Centre Mèdic Valira (how to provide tools and resources to prevent eyesight pathologies in children under the age of 6) and HomeBox (how to coordinate the country´s citizens and their clients to carry out a move by exchanging professional competences). Finally, the winning challenge was the one that provided a solution to the challenge offered by Centre Mèdic Valira.

In this edition, 93 students and 12 teachers from the Vocational Training Center participated, the highest number of all editions, worked on challenges posed by five companies and, for the first time, it included students and teachers from the socio-communitarian and health branches.

Sixth edition

In the sixth edition of the Tandem project, vocational training students had to face the challenges posed by the companies Abast Global, which proposed how to attract, make come back and retain talent in Andorra, Daguisa Hotels, who wanted to eliminate all plastics in hotel management, and FEDA, who wanted to encourage the healthy habits of the organization’s workers. Finally, the winning challenge was the one that provided a solution to this last challenge posed by FEDA.

In this edition, 91 students and from the Vocational Training Center participated, supervised by 12 teachers, and they worked on challenges posed by three companies.

Tandem Project fourth edition
Tandem Project Third edition

Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of the Tandem project ended on December 17, 2020, with the grand finale held in the auditorium of the Vocational Training Center in Aixovall.

The three finalist teams, made up of 6 students each, had 10 minutes to present their innovative solutions to the challenges posed by Creu Roja Andorrana (How to expand the Red Cross´s presence on a social level in the Principality); Vallnord (How to reduce Vallnord Ski Resort´s ecological footprint); and Via Moda (How to reformulate Via Moda´s internal procedures to reduce their ecological footprint).

Finally, the winning team was Neu Neta, which presented a large project for Vallnord that included new water tanks, an APP to reward customer loyalty, a reduction in fuel consumption and the landscape improvement of the Pal’s car park.

In the fifth edition 80 students and 12 teachers took part and they worked together on the challenges raised by the three entities mentioned.

Fourth Edition

In the fourth edition of the Tandem project, vocational training students had to face the challenges posed by the companies Vatel, with the aim of make professions in the hotel and tourism sector more attractive to the country’s students, Unicef Andorra, that wanted to strengthen the collaboration of young people and Unicef, and Basquet Club Andorra (Morabanc Andorra) which proposed how to make basketball a priority leisure option for the population between 20 and 40 years of age.

In this edition, 68 students from the Vocational Training Center, supervised by 12 teachers, worked on challenges posed by three companies.

Tandem Project fourth edition
Tandem Project Third edition

Third Edition

In the third edition of the Tàndem project, the Vocational training students worked on the innovation challenges posed by Andorra Telecom, Gamma Management and VallmedicVision.

Andorra Telecom asked the students to work on initiatives to innovate in the prepaid mobile phone offer in order to reach more customers; VallmedicVision, ideas to raise awareness among the Andorran population to avoid the abuse of digital screens and reducing myopia; and Gamma Management, improve the relationship of this human resources company with its customers, which are both companies and applicants. The winning team, Free Wifi,was selected by the jury as the project that best solved the challenge posed by Andorra Telecom.

In the third edition, 72 students participated, supervised by 12 teachers, and worked on challenges posed by three companies.

Second Edition

In the second edition of the Tandem project, vocational students had to face the challenges posed by several companies. Dermandtek‘s challenge was to raise awareness to prevent skin cancer. Hotels Plaza‘s challenge, was to offer a personalised gift experience to its clients, and Inlingua‘s one which proposed the creation of an attractive language immersion project during the months of July and August aimed at teenagers.

Among the five finalist projects, the winner was for an application and a loyalty points system that allows the client to enjoy exclusive advantages and activities in the hotel facilities.

In this edition, all the students of the Vocational Training Centre (61) participated, supervised by 11 teachers, and worked on challenges set by the three companies.

Tandem Project second edition

First Edition

The first edition of Tàndem ended in May 2017, with three proposals presented by the Vocational training students. They came up with various solutions to the challenge posed by Perfumeria Júlia, which consisted of analysing the customer’s behaviour to improve their experiences inside the shops. The winning project consisted of an application to capture the customers information thanks to a method that combines NFC, Wifi and Bluetooth technology.

11 students participated, led by five teachers, and with the involvement of a single company.

Latest newsTandem Project News

59 students from FP will work on the challenges set by three Andorran companies within the Tandem Project by Andorra Business


Thursday October 5th 2023 The State Secretary for Companies, Economic Diversification and Innovation, Marc Saura, and the director of Professional Formation, Adult Formation and Technological[...]

We call you!

We call you!
José María Roger

Nice Fruit

Andorra has a variety of advantages we took into account when we decided to establish the company in the country such as security, legislation and political stability. And after having done so, I was surprised by how much people love living in Andorra. It provides a very high quality of life.

José María Roger, President - Nice Fruit
Gerard Maravella


Andorra is an ideal place to work and establish a company. It is a charming and family-friendly country, with spectacular natural surroundings and great tranquility, where many business opportunities arise and where, moreover, it is very easy to solve all the problems that arise.

Gerard Marabella, CEO of Balize

Andorra is one of the best places in the world to set up the design, marketing, conception and engineering part of a company. Andorra Business helps us to internationalize our company with its connections/contacts to enter markets where it is more complicated to settle.

Max Commencal, CEO of Commencal
Jacques Gascuel

We came to Andorra because we love mountains, because Spain and France were nearby, and especially because of the exceptional security framework that the Principality offers. We are very happy to continue with the support of Andorra Business, since thanks to them we have been able to establish many commercial links with international companies.

Jacques Gascuel, CEO of Freemindtronic
Elisabeth del Valle - Casos d'èxit Andorra Business

Andorra is a perfect place to develop and test all our innovations, to carry out comprehensive country pilots tests and to generate business alliances. The sports environment is impressive, especially because a large number of athletes live there and the country prioritizes the sector.

Elisabeth del Valle, CEO and co-founder of Onalabs
Marco Di Giampietro

The decision to create a company in Andorra came not only because of the tax facilities, but above all because of the high quality of life and the presence of talented young people. NP Technology wants to grow in the world, expanding its presence in other countries, and Andorra Business has played a key role helping us in our internationalization process.

Marco Di Giampietro, CEO of NP Technology
Meritxell Martí - Farmacia Meritxell
Farmàcia Meritxell

Having a business in Andorra does not only mean having tax benefits. It is also easier on a bureaucratic level and to project yourself internationally. Andorra Business helped me in precisely this process, making my products known outside the Principality.

Joan Muro

The Principality’s highly competitive tax framework allow us to offer attractive prices to our clients. Additionally, the Government of Andorra prioritizes the development of the biotechnology sector, to which we contribute as the first company of this type in the country.

Sergi Zamora - Casos d'èxit Andorra Business

We chose to come to Andorra afer the Covid pandemic noting the possibility to set up an audiovisual production and dubbing studio in the country, enabling us to working internationally. In addition, living in Andorra is wonderful for our children because of the environment and the great safety.

Sergi Zamora, CEO of Neela Studio


We have chosen to establish our company in Andorra due to its privileged natural characteristics that make it an emblematic country, its security, the moderate tax pressure it offers, and our belief in its strong potential to become a European healthcare hub.

Elia Villa - Andorra Business succes story


We decided to open the clinic in Andorra because many of the Moto GP and Superbike riders that we advise live here, such as Fabio Quartararo and Pol Espargaró. Also because there are quite a few elite athletes living in the country. Andorra Business helped us for the launching of the business by providing us information on how to set up the company in the Principality.

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