4 Years from Now 2025

Discover the technology of emerging companies that will make a difference in the next four years.

4 days of inspiration with over 3,000 startups, 600 investors, 8,000 CEOs, 61,000 attendees, and more than 30 activities.

4YFN takes place during the world’s largest mobile industry event, the Mobile World Congress Barcelona, supporting startups, investors, and companies to connect and launch new projects together.

During the 4 days of 4YFN, there will be conferences, panels, talks, and startup competitions taking place across multiple stages, exhibition pavilions, and workshops.

Andorra Business will participate in this event by offering a space at its stand were Andorran companies related to the new technologies sector can exhibit their projects and connect with investors and companies.

We will soon open the application for places to companies to participate together with us. Stay tuned to our website and our socials!

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