Actua and the Global Sports Innovation Center promoted by Microsoft (GSIC), join synergies to identify the most disruptive solutions and the latest technologies worldwide through a Start-up competition to improve the user experience and loyalty to de-seasonalise the sports and tourism offer in Andorra.
In this sense, participants must submit projects that operate in the following use cases:
The call will be open from November 9th to December 13th. The 10 best proposals will have the opportunity to present their solutions during an online event before a jury formed by representatives of the sports ecosystem and organizing entities, experts in the areas of technology, sports, business, innovation, investment and entrepreneurship.
On February 3rd, a Start-up will be announced as the winner of the competition, and will receive a free one-year GSIC membership, a 3-month mentoring programme with GSIC and subject matter experts, access to the Microsoft for Start-ups Programme, free access to Microsoft technologies (products and cloud credits), one year of free membership to the Andorra Sports Cluster and a tourist pack to visit Andorra.
In addition, the three best rated Start-ups, including the winner, will participate in different activities such as an Investors Day in March 2021 and in business meetings with members of the Andorra Sports Cluster, as well as the possibility to showcase their solutions at La Casa de la Muntanya.
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