Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2019
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We are more than mobile. Intelligent Connectivity marks the beginning of a new era of highly contextualised and personalised experiences, delivered when and where you want them. To reflect this new era, Mobile World Congress is now MWC Barcelona.MWC Barcelona is the largest mobile event in the world, bringing together the latest innovations and leading-edge technology from more than 2,400 leading companies, with a highly-rated conference programme assembling today’s visionaries to explore the hottest topics influencing the industry.
MWC Barcelona features extensive learning opportunities from dozens of partner-led programmes, GSMA seminars, summits and more. Everything you need to know about the industry, today and beyond, can be found here. With over 107,000 key decision-makers expected to attend, #MWC19 promises to expand your professional network and help you achieve your goals.
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