Living in Andorra: Main reasons to live in the Principality
- Andorra has a surface of 468 km2 and 86.528 inhabitants and is located between Spain and France.
- We are considered to be one of the safest countries with one of the lowest crime rates on the planet.
- Although we are one of the oldest sovereign states, with over 700 years of uninterrupted history, we have never had an army or war in our territory.
- We are a historically neutral and welcoming country, where citizens of over 100 nationalities and different religions reside peacefully.
- The official Language is Catalan, but Spanish, French, English and Portuguese are also spoken. The currency is the Euro.
- Andorra is characterized as being the country with the fifth highest life expectancy and its great quality of life. It is recognized in the top spots on the lists of heathiest countries and the best healthcare systems in the world.
- This is contributed to by optimum air quality on 84% of days, 2.000 hours of sun annually and that over 90% of the territory are mountains, forests, rivers and lakes that may be explored thanks to more than 60 mountain trails.
- Full of Romanic art, 10% of our territory is recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage and we are working on becoming the first country to be considered world biosphere reserve.
468 km2
More than 9 million
annual tourists
3 education systems
Andorran, Spanish and French
A genuine teaching model with three different education systems
- The public system offers three teaching models that are free: the Andorran, the Spanish and the French, as well as the International Baccalaureate. The educational offer is completed with private school options such as the British College and Agora International School Andorra. There is also the possibility of continuing with higher education at the University of Andorra and at specialized centers like the Andorran Aviation Academy and Vatel.
More than 9 million annual tourists
- Every year we receive 9 million visitors mainly attracted by shopping (shops only close 4 days a year), shows like the Cirque du Soleil, an exclusive offer in Health and wellness, and mountain sports.
- Our ski resorts offer 300 km of slopes and benefit from the latest technology in artificial snow production guaranteeing excellent conditions in our ski areas. In fact, they are considered to be some of the best in Europe and host large events such as the Alpine Skiing and Mountain Skiing World Cups. In summer they adapt to become the stage for other competitions such as the Mountain Bike World Championships.
- Andorra has consolidated itself as a host country for all types of large events, from the Tour de France to the summit of Iberoamerican heads of state.
A solid economy with an unemployment rate of just 1.7%
- Our economy is centered around the services sector, mainly financial services, personal and business services, among others.
- The GDP per nominal capita is of 40.511 euros, higher than the EU average. Our unemployment rate is 1,7%, one of the lowest in Europe.
- The Tax framework is very competitive. Company tax, personal revenue tax and on the revenue for non-residents is under 10%. General sales tax is 4,5%.
- Furthermore, we have agreements to avoid double imposition with various countries and are negotiating and association agreement with the EU.
- Andorra has become an attractive country for International investors. Since the beginning of the process of economic opening, foreign investment has grown by approximately 7.600%, and has created new sectors of opportunity.
- Recently we were considered the second most attractive country to invest in due to our very competitive tax framework, the adapting to European norms and transparency and our political and judicial stability.
Residencies for artists and sports professionals of International prestige
- Andorra is also one of the best countries to live in. It is home to artists and sports professionals of International prestige. Different elite sports teams also take advantage of the country´s excellent installations and the advantages of being able to train in high altitude. In addition, in the last decade, the number of passive residents has increased by over 35%.
- The cost of electricity is the second lowest in Europe and we also rank second in the use of Mobile phones to connect to the internet. 94.5% of households have Internet connection via optical fiber at an average speed of over 300 MBPS.
- The entire commerce offer and museums are digitalized on Google Business View. And, incidentally, we are the second country with the most museums per square meter.
Andorra és un lloc ideal on treballar i establir una empresa. És un país encantador i familiar, amb un entorn natural espectacular i una gran calma, en el que sorgeixen moltes oportunitats de negoci i on, a més, és molt fàcil solucionar totes les problemàtiques que van apareixent.
Andorra és un lloc perfecte per a desenvolupar i testar totes les nostres innovacions, fer pilots integrals de país i per generar aliances empresarials. L’enclavament en l’àmbit esportiu és impressionant, sobretot gràcies al fet que hi viuen un gran nombre d’esportistes i a què el país considera prioritari el sector.
Andorra té diversos avantatges que vam valorar molt en el moment de decidir establir-hi l’empresa, com són la seguretat, la legislació i l’estabilitat política. I després d’establir-nos al país, m’ha sorprès com a la gent li encanta viure a Andorra. Hi ha una gran qualitat de vida.
Vam venir a Andorra perquè ens encantava la muntanya, perquè teníem Espanya i França a prop, i sobretot pel marc de seguretat excepcional que ofereix el Principat. Estem molt contents de seguir comptant amb el suport d’Andorra Business, ja que gràcies a ells hem pogut establir molts vincles comercials amb empreses internacionals.
Vam triar venir a Andorra arran de la pandèmia de la Covid i veure que per al nostre projecte podíem muntar un estudi de producció audiovisual i de doblatge al país i treballar internacionalment. A més viure a Andorra és una meravella per als nostres fills per l’entorn i per la gran seguretat.
Tenir el negoci a Andorra no només té beneficis a nivell fiscal. També és més fàcil la burocràcia i projectar-te a nivell internacional. Precisament Andorra Business m’ha ajudat en aquest procés per fer conèixer els meus productes fora del Principat.
La decisió de crear una empresa a Andorra no sols es va produir per les facilitats fiscals, sinó sobretot per l’alta qualitat de vida i la presència de joves amb talent. NP Technology vol créixer al món, ampliant la seva presència en altres països, i Andorra Business ha exercit un paper fonamental ajudant-nos en el nostre procés d’internacionalització.
Vam decidir obrir la clínica a Andorra perquè molts dels pilots de Moto GP i Superbike que assessorem viuen aquí com Fabio Quartararo i Pol Espargaró. També perquè hi ha força esportistes d’elit. Andorra Business ens va ajudar a l’hora d’implantar el negoci facilitant-nos la informació de com muntar l’empresa al Principat.
El marc fiscal i els impostos molt competitius del Principat ens permeten oferir preus atractius als nostres clients. A més, el Govern d’Andorra prioritza el desenvolupament del sector biotecnològic, al que nosaltres hi contribuïm com a primera empresa d’aquest tipus al país.
Vam decidir crear la empresa a Andorra per les seves característiques naturals privilegiades que el converteixen en un país emblemàtic, la seva seguretat, la seva correcta pressió fiscal, i perquè creiem que té un gran potencial per esdevenir un important hub sanitari europeu.
Andorra és un dels millors llocs del món per a muntar la part de disseny, màrqueting, concepció i enginyeria d’una empresa. Andorra Business ens ajuda a internacionalitzar la nostra empresa amb les seves connexions/contactes per a entrar en mercats on és més complicat instal·lar-se.