GSIC by Microsoft and Actua close an agreement to position Andorra as a reference for Innovations in the mountain, winter sports and cycling sector
The president of the Global Sports Innovation Center (GSIC) powered by Microsoft and director of Microsoft Sports, Sebastian Lancestremere, the GSIC’s general manager, Iris[...]
Actua Empresa’s 2020 subsidies programme benefits 51 Andorran companies
The call for applications for a new edition of the Actua’s subsidies programme was launched last July. The programme is addressed to Andorran small[...]
El grup Ironman obre delegació a Andorra i organitzarà al país esdeveniments al març i al juliol
Actua, Andorra Turisme i The IRONMAN Group han presentat aquest dimarts, 28 de juliol al llac d’Engolasters, l’Andorra Multisport Festival per al 2021. Els[...]
Una solució basada en càmeres i intel·ligència artificial guanya el Repte Covid-19, impulsat per Actua
Actua ha fet públic aquest dilluns, 27 de juliol, el nom de l’equip guanyador del Repte Covid19 que pretén millor la gestió de l’afluència[...]
Foreign investment in Andorra grew by 82% in 2019 and represents 10 times the amount of 7 years ago
The total number of foreign investment applications submitted in 2019 represents a variation of -13% with respect to the previous year. Even so, the[...]
Actua Empresa’s 2020 subsidy program is open for applicants
Actua Empresa’s 2020 subsidy program is open for applicants
Companies can now submit their application to participate in a new edition of the Actua’s Tàndem FP Project
Companies can now submit their application to participate in a new edition of the Actua’s Tàndem FP Project
Actua poses a challenge to reduce waiting times in shopping stores
Actua poses a challenge to reduce waiting times in shopping stores
Actua presents the business Growth programme, the 2020 subsidies Edition, and a Website to improve the internationalisation of Andorran companies
Actua presents the business Growth programme, the 2020 subsidies Edition, and a Website to improve the internationalisation of Andorran companies
Actua presents a data platform that facilitates decision making to address COVID-19
Actua presents a data platform that facilitates decision making to address COVID-19
The Government approves the Decree on low interest loans for companies and self-employed affected by the COVID-19
The Government approves the Decree on low interest loans for companies and self-employed affected by the COVID-19
The services offered by Actua are not suspended
The services offered by Actua are not suspended
Actua presents the new video Invest in Andorra with the main characteristics of the country
Actua presents the new video Invest in Andorra with the main characteristics of the country
Andorra and Spain promote cooperation in Innovation
Andorra and Spain promote cooperation in Innovation
Grupo Planeta will open a new online training centre in Andorra; Carlemany University
Grupo Planeta will open a new online training centre in Andorra; Carlemany University
Actua presents Andorra’s investment opportunities and innovation projects at Barcelona Tech City on April 2nd
Actua presents Andorra’s investment opportunities and innovation projects at Barcelona Tech City on April 2nd