Asbestos: a public health issue
Asbestos: a public health issue
The Actua Program awarded the Scratch Contest winners
The Actua Program awarded the Scratch Contest winners
ActuaTech Foundation is born to promote the Smart Country project
ActuaTech Foundation is born to promote the Smart Country project
E-health cluster debates the creation of smart cities to ensure the wellbeing of citizens
E-health cluster debates the creation of smart cities to ensure the wellbeing of citizens
Ambassador Graff emphasizes rapid adaptation of European legislation in the country, as an essential element in the economic development of Luxembourg
Ambassador Graff emphasizes rapid adaptation of European legislation in the country, as an essential element in the economic development of Luxembourg
The Actua program introduced in the Education cluster a Christmas cards contest that aims to encourage to students of Andorra, to the use of new technologies.
The Actua program introduced in the Education cluster a Christmas cards contest that aims to encourage to students of Andorra, to the use of new technologies.
The XVI cluster of health and wellness organised by the Actua program took place at the “Centre d’Interpretació de l’Aigua i del Madriu”
The XVI cluster of health and wellness organised by the Actua program took place at the “Centre d’Interpretació de l’Aigua i del Madriu”
Saboya met with the Portuguese Secretary of State for Food and food-processing Industry Research.
Saboya met with the Portuguese Secretary of State for Food and food-processing Industry Research.
Introduction of “Andorra Go!” An application included within the Smart Country project, from the Actua program
Introduction of “Andorra Go!” An application included within the Smart Country project, from the Actua program
The group for the definition of a “brand Andorra” started working.
The group for the definition of a “brand Andorra” started working.
The Google Business View Andorra is attended by 130 participants at the Art Hotel in Andorra la Vella
The Google Business View Andorra is attended by 130 participants at the Art Hotel in Andorra la Vella
Positive results on the 2nd Annual Clusters Meeting of the Actua initiative
Positive results on the 2nd Annual Clusters Meeting of the Actua initiative
The “Taller d’Emprenedors 2014” concludes with 24 new business ideas and 19 business plans
The “Taller d’Emprenedors 2014” concludes with 24 new business ideas and 19 business plans
Saboya and Camp present tourism opportunities and economic openness to Japanese companies
Saboya and Camp present tourism opportunities and economic openness to Japanese companies
The Actua initiative attended the 25th Trobada empresarial del Pirineu
The Actua initiative attended the 25th Trobada empresarial del Pirineu
The Actua initiative organize a session to debate on indoor environmental quality.
The Actua initiative organize a session to debate on indoor environmental quality.