The most influential blockchain & crypto event in Europe is back in Barcelona.
With 5.000 attendees and 300 speakers in a three-day event and don’t miss the opportunity to meet with the startups, investors, corporates and developers that are changing the world.
Experience an unforgettable event featuring 3 stages, a buzzing exhibition area, startup competitions, parties, and so much more.
European Blockchain Convention was born with the mission to accelerate the blockchain ecosystem in Europe.
Since its inaugural conference in 2018 in Barcelona, EBC has hosted thousands of attendees, hundreds of leading speakers and the best startups in the blockchain & crypto space.
Its global audience of founders, investors, regulators, developers, corporations, and many more come together every year to learn, get inspired, and connect.
Líders i experts del sector es troben en la 2a Trobada d'Innovació Digital Alt Pirineu, la qual emergeix com un…
ACTINN organitza una xerrada, emmarcada dins dels ACTINN&Talks, sobre màrqueting digital.
La 9à edició del SIMA versarà sobre l’Acord d’Associació amb la Unió Europea.
El principal esdeveniment mundial dedicat a la indústria de la connectivitat i la tecnologia mòbil.
Punt de trobada dels principals referents de l'ecosistema emprenedor i de la innovació de Barcelona.
Taller intensiu i pràctic orientat a impulsar l’emprenedoria i el creixement de startups del país.