After finalizing successfully an open innovation project “Andorra Sports Startups Innovation Challenge”, carried out together with Actua for the past few months, we continue to support the government of Andorra in their work of turning their country into an innovation reference for winter sports, mountain sports and cycling.
This last one will be a subject to discuss during our next webinar “Innovation in Winter and Mountain Sports¨, because we are aware that cutting-edge technologies and shifting customer behaviors are hitting the slopes and transforming the winter and mountain industry.
To have a conversation about latest trends in this field we count on our top-notch speakers:
Moderator: Carlos Cantó – GSIC Ambassador, CEO at SPSG Consulting
During the webinar we will discuss how to apply technology into the sports industry is different areas, as well as investment in winter and mountain sports, the seasonality challenge and how innovation can help to tackle it, dynamic pricing, marketing automation, and private-public sector coordination.
SSM25 és un esdeveniment professional i innovador on es connecten l'esport i les seves indústries associades.
El principal esdeveniment mundial dedicat a la indústria de la connectivitat i la tecnologia mòbil.
Un punt de trobada global clau per als professionals de la indústria turística i la plataforma més gran de negoci…
4YFN és l'esdeveniment per a empreses emergents del Mobile World Congress de Barcelona.