BIOSPAIN is the largest biotech event organized by a national bioindustry association in Europe and one of the largest in the world by the number of one-to-one meetings and companies participating. 34% of our delegates came from outside of Spain.
This year, BIOSPAIN goes back to Barcelona, the main biotech cluster in Spain and one of the most dynamic cities in the world.
The event will take place in Pavilion 1 – Fira de Barcelona – Montjuïc. It stands in a superb location in the city center, easily accessible from the airport and well-connected to the public transport network. It is located in Montjuïc Park, an area of cultural and historical interest thanks to its museums and theatres and it also features some of the main tourist attractions in Barcelona.
El GSIC Summit APAC se celebra a Singapur i té la finalitat d’oferir un punt de trobada per als actors…
El Next AI Summit és un esdeveniment sobre Intel·ligència Artificial per intercanviar idees i establir connexions.
3a edició de l'Andorra Masters, un esdeveniment sobre màrqueting digital amb ponències i on fer networking.
Nova edició de l’ESADE SPORTS BUSINESS SUMMIT, organitzat per ESADE Business School.
SSM25 és un esdeveniment professional i innovador on es connecten l'esport i les seves indústries associades.
El principal esdeveniment mundial dedicat a la indústria de la connectivitat i la tecnologia mòbil.