Actua offers Andorran companies the possibility to give presentations in the Andorra Innovation Space to members of our clusters and other contacts on a topic of business interest and 15 minutes of networking.
In our inaugural session of the « Matins d’Actua », Kamila Lipska from the Online Growth Team company will talk about « How To Get Relevant Traffic to Your Website Without Spending Fortune on Google Adwords ».
Table of Content
Kamila Lipska – Over 12 years experience in online marketing, specialised in growth hacking and paid marketing. She loves challenges and her brain never stops to search solutions. In online marketing she worked for big companies as well as for small startups, always focusing on results, which it’s the biggest driver for her personal and professional life. In her own words “I don’t believe in unicorns and success build overnight. As Robert Collier said, success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.”
El GSIC Summit APAC se celebra a Singapur i té la finalitat d’oferir un punt de trobada per als actors…
El Next AI Summit és un esdeveniment sobre Intel·ligència Artificial per intercanviar idees i establir connexions.
3a edició de l'Andorra Masters, un esdeveniment sobre màrqueting digital amb ponències i on fer networking.
SSM25 és un esdeveniment professional i innovador on es connecten l'esport i les seves indústries associades.
El principal esdeveniment mundial dedicat a la indústria de la connectivitat i la tecnologia mòbil.
4YFN és l'esdeveniment per a empreses emergents del Mobile World Congress de Barcelona.